Gerta Pohorylle conhecida profissionalmente como Gerda Taro (Estugarda, 1 de agosto de 1910 – Brunete, 26 de julho de 1937) foi fotógrafa, jornalista e anarquista alemã de origem judaica. É lembrada como sendo a primeira mulher fotojornalista a morrer enquanto fazia cobertura de guerra.. Esposa do fotógrafo húngaro Robert Capa, ficou conhecida principalmente por seu registro da Guerra


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Gerda Taro (real name Gerta Pohorylle; 1 August 1910, Stuttgart, Germany - 26 July 1937, near Brunete, Spain) was born into a Jewish family that migrated from Galicia to Germany. She became a war photographer, and the companion and professional partner of photographer Robert Capa. Taro is regarded as the first female photojournalist to cover the front lines of a war and to die while doing so Gerda Taro Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre. Gerta Pohorylle conhecida profissionalmente como Gerda Taro (Estugarda, 1 de agosto de 1910 – Brunete, 26 de julho de 1937) foi fotógrafa, jornalista e anarquista alemã de origem judaica.

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Juli 1937 in El Escorial, Spanien) war eine deutsche Fotografin. Sie dokumentierte  6 Dec 2016 Gerda Taro July 1937 (Image from Wikipedia). Name: Gerda Taro. Original Name : Gerta Pohorylle. Dates: August 1, 1910- July 26 1937. 1 Aug 2018 Explore genealogy for Gerta (Pohorylle) Taro born 1910 Stuttgart, Kingdom of Gerta Pohorylle (1 August 1910 – 26 July 1937), known professionally as Gerda Taro, was a Jewish 31 Jul 2018 Google is honoring Gerda Taro on her would be 108th birthday with a doodle.

Flickr , Ur Have you ever heard of the photographer Gerda Taro? was taken by Hans Gutmann (aka, Juán Guzmán):

12-feb-2016 - Robert Capa - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre} Lápida dedicada a Fotógrafo de guerra Gerda Taro y el compañero y socio profesional del 

To install click the Add extension button. That's it. The source code for the WIKI 2 extension is being checked by specialists of the Mozilla Foundation, Google, and Apple.

Gerda taro wiki

Gerda Taro Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre. Gerta Pohorylle conhecida profissionalmente como Gerda Taro (Estugarda, 1 de agosto de 1910 – Brunete, 26 de julho de 1937) foi fotógrafa, jornalista e anarquista alemã de origem judaica. É lembrada como sendo a primeira mulher fotojornalista a morrer enquanto fazia cobertura de guerra.

Taro byla milenkou a pracovní partnerkou fotografa Roberta Capy. Gerda Taro's first press card was issued by an Amsterdam photo agency and is dated February 4, 1936. Grave of Gerda Taro in the Pere Lachaise cemetery (Paris) When the military coup in Spain on July 18, 1936 kept the world in suspense, Gerda Taro and Robert Capa decided - like many other intellectuals - to go to Spain to document the civil war. Gerda Taro. Quite the same Wikipedia. Just better.

Gerda taro wiki

srpna 1910 Stuttgart - 26. července 1937 Brunete) byla německá fotografka židovského původu. Proslavila se svými snímky ze španělské občanské války, během níž zemřela.
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Gerda fotózni tanult tőle, és 1936 májusában megkapta első sajtóigazolványát. Gerda Taro (real name Gerta Pohorylle; 1 August 1910, Stuttgart, Germany - 26 July 1937, near Brunete, Spain) was born into a Jewish family that migrated from Galicia to Germany. She became a war photographer, and the companion and professional partner of photographer Robert Capa.
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Gerda Taro. Quite the same Wikipedia. Just better. To install click the Add extension button. That's it. The source code for the WIKI 2 extension is being checked by specialists of the Mozilla Foundation, Google, and Apple. You could also do it yourself at any point in time.

Då kan  Ecco come morì Gerda Taro fotografa di guerra.

Gerda Taro (alk.Gerta Pohorylle; 1. elokuuta 1910 Stuttgart, Saksan keisarikunta – 26. heinäkuuta 1937 San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Espanja) oli saksalainen valokuvaaja ja Robert Capan yhteistyökumppani.

Je první ženskou fotoreportérkou, která zemřela při výkonu své práce ve válce.

Hon var krigsfotograf under spanska inbördeskriget och avled i samband med den republikanska arméns reträtt vid staden Brunete utanför Madrid. Gerda Taro (alk. Gerta Pohorylle; 1. elokuuta 1910 Stuttgart, Saksan keisarikunta – 26. heinäkuuta 1937 San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Espanja) oli saksalainen valokuvaaja ja Robert Capan yhteistyökumppani. Häntä pidetään ensimmäisenä sotatapahtumassa kuolleena naispuolisena kuvajournalistina.